Class parents

Each class at Lindfield East Public School has one or two parents who take on the role of Class Parent for that year. It is a voluntary position with a focus on building class cohesion, and facilitating communication between teachers, parents, and the P&C.  In doing so they serve to foster a happy and inclusive school community.

Class Parent responsibilities include:

Support the class (Teacher, students, and other parents)

  • Liaise with the class teacher and parents to create a class contact list
  • Set up a class WhatsApp group (preferred method as P&C communications will come via WhatsApp also) to facilitate communication to class parents
  • Connect with the class teacher as often as possible to see if they need anything from the class/ class parents
  • Help identify parent volunteers and construct rosters for parent -assisted activities in class, as needed, e.g.  excursions, reading groups etc.
  • Organise teacher thank you gifts from the class, as required during and at the end of the year ( is a good tool)

Help build the LEPS community

  • Set-up class social events such as coffee, parent dinners, class playdates
  • Connect with other class parents in your year group to organise year group social events
  • Encourage the involvement of your class in all social and fundraising events at the school

Provide an essential link between the P&C and the class

  • Join the class parent WhatsApp group managed by P&C
  • Forward all WhatsApp communications provided by the P&C to your class (easy to do on WhatsApp)
  • Feedback important items raised within your class to the P&C

Be an active member of the P&C

  • Attend regular P&C meetings (as many as possible)
  • Be willing to raise concerns and share ideas to improve the experience of our children at LEPS
  • Be prepared to coordinate/assist with at least one event or fundraiser
  • Have/obtain a WWCC number (free and easy)