About the P&C

Lindfield East Public School Parents and Citizens Association (the P&C) welcome all returning and new families at LEPS!

Through the P&C Association parents may be involved in all aspects of the school, working in partnership with the teaching staff and the Principal to achieve the best possible learning environment for our children. Being a member entitles parents to vote on issues raised at P&C meetings, and to hold positions on P&C sub-committees. All P&C positions fall vacant at the AGM which is held on the third Tuesday in February each year.

The effectiveness of the P&C in achieving its objectives is greatly increased by as many members as possible actively participating in the various meetings and functions of the P&C.

The P&C Association meets once a term on a Tuesday at 7.00 pm, in the teachers’ staff room.

The by-laws of the P&C are here

The P&C works in collaboration with our Principal Diane Read, the teaching staff and parents to identify initiatives that a) foster a learning environment in which our children can thrive and grow, and b) strengthen the sense of community within the school. Each year, the P&C aims to raise over $150,000 to provide educational support and facility upgrades that the school would not otherwise have.
To move the projects forward quickly however, as well as deliver enjoyable social activities focused on connecting the school community, we need the support of a highly active parent community. Parental engagement takes many forms. We are inviting all parents to get involved. Ways you can help include:

  • Volunteer where you can: We appreciate all contributions, be it encouraging and helping your child to fundraise, donating goods and services, purchasing raffle tickets and other fundraising products, baking, assisting teachers and providing an essential link between the classroom and the P&C as class parent, or just volunteering your precious time to support one of our school events.  Our parents are the heartbeat of our community, and your valued input only improves the experience of our children at school.
  • Pay the P&C voluntary contribution: Voluntary Contributions are essential to fund resources and upgrades that the school can’t fund on their own. These fees have not been requested of parents over the last 2 years when P&C projects could not be implemented. From 2022, as we move to implement these important projects the P&C asks that all LEPS families make a voluntary contribution to P&C funds.  The requested P&C contributions for this year are $350 per family (or $220 per student). However, you are welcome to nominate the amount you contribute. If all families contribute the per family amount, the P&C will raise approximately $120,000 towards key projects, identified as important to enrich the quality education of our students.
  • Be an active P&C member and participate: Our casual P&C meetings are held once a term with Ms Read and other teacher/student leaders in attendance to discuss and shape decisions on current and future school programs. We welcome the participation of all parents.  Being an active member of the P&C provides you with the platform to guide these significant initiatives. Perhaps you have a fresh new event idea or would like to run a social/fundraising event or have another skill that could help us with the running of the school (eg. landscaping, graphic design, communication, web design, translation). If you can help, let us know.  You do not need to take on an executive role to get involved.